Thursday, March 17, 2016

Maintenance (SLP)

Nothing exciting going on and that's good. Getting books read. Been a long time since we did that.

We did do laundry. Well, no we didn't. Pedro brought it from the laundry place and gave it to us. We (Robin) put it away. All very fresh and neatly folded. 30# for $10! Robin says that if she lived here she'd never do a load of laundry again.

Pedro and Juan showed up to wash and wax the motorhome and the car. What a job since we had neglected it so long. They've been here most of the day and it's looking great. They only asked for $50 US. We gave them more than that. A lot more.

Holy Week, known as Semana Santa here, is kicking off. Chris says:
  • (School) Spring break begins this Friday (tomorrow) and lasts until Tuesday April 5th.  Monday is a holiday although schools will already be out. We celebrate Benito Juarez' birthday, he was elected president five times during very difficult periods in Mexican history.  Best known for being  a governor of Oaxaca state and the only indigenous Mexican  to hold presidential office.  You see his statue everywhere.
This link CLICKY is a very interesting article on Semana Santa. Worth clicking on. We are in one of the mentioned towns and will be in another one next week. Hope we can see some of the processions.

Dinner at a new place Pedro recommended: El Macarena. (and no, we didn't have to do the Macarena to eat there!) We went bold and just ordered stuff with no clue. Robin's was like a chicken schnitzel and mine turned out to be a pork leg with a spicy sauce. Both were awesome. Tab $26 incl hefty tip.

What did we learn today? The green salsa will light you up. This is something we keep re-learning.
We love Mexico and her people. 


  1. Love love love hot salsa! Yep, lots of good things in Mexico. Our washer broke down a couple of weeks ago, right before your arrival. Took the laundry in and had it back the next day. Can't beat that.

  2. Robin is right,best way to get the laundry done. My feel good laundry story was in Cuernavaca where the laundry woman chased me down the street and stopped the car to return +/- $300 pesos I had left in my pocket. She was thrilled when I gave her half, probably a day's pay for her while for me, I had not even missed it. I love the Mexican people. Very hard working and honest!

    1. That and your story about hauling a bucket all over Mexico and it was stolen soon after your return NOB.

    2. That was actually our friend Les. Still a good story!
