Saturday, April 2, 2016

Road Trip to Leon for El Gordo (GTO)

This sealed it. Robin is staying in Mexico! And the red light was on!

Road trip to the big city of Leon today. WIKI It is a little over an hour away. We had to go because there is a PetCo there and El Gordo (Bruno the Lab) needs grain free food for his tender stomach. The stuff is $50 in the US and $70+ here! We will remember to bring plenty next trip.

Leon is a busy place. HUGE GM and VW plants plus many others. Loaded with every American chain store and quick food place imaginable. Not our style.  We like the smaller towns. It was fun to see the square and wander around but it won't be on our list unless we need to do Walmart or Sams.

Pictures later. Figured out that Photos was synching our zillons of pictures all the time and eating our data since we're using a hot spot here because no wifi.


  1. Hurry with the pic I can't wait haha I can still hitchike down an drive for you haha

  2. Leon also has one of the best public transport systems in North America. Great place to spend the day!

    1. We had read that it had won a lot of awards for that and we saw a lot of it in action, including divider bike paths everywhere and buses that were raised like a subway car and stopped at platforms.

  3. MMMM nothing like them when they are hot
